Acne Body Wash - The Tried And Tested Review

Body acne is usually more difficult to get rid of than face pimples. For instance, a pimple on my face will take 3-5 days to heal, but a pimple on my body will take 2-3 weeks. Like most people, I hate acne!!!!

My skin is actually quite sensitive, even on my body. I get breakouts on my chest and back easily. Just like recently, I had a back body breakout due to an oil massage done at a salon and you know how terrible it is for me not to wear tubes, spaghetti strap singlets and halter necks in the typical hot weather of Singapore! Thankfully, I know which acne body wash can help to clear my problem fast!

Here are some tried and tested review by me:

The Body Shop Tea Tree Wash is perfect for a refreshing shower. It consist of tea tree oil properties and which is said to be good for blemishes. It has strong minty tea tree scent and it leaves a slight burning sensation when washing. Personally I feel this body wash works well for prevention of acne.


Murad Acne Body Wash will work, but you will only see effect at a later stage. I do not know whether is it because of my body skin, it seems to purge out more acne on my body when I first started using, maybe there is a detoxifying content inside?? Acne starts clearing after the 3rd weeks onwards. Result seems to be slow, but you get clear skin after purging all the acne out. Personally, I feel the price is a little bit on the high side and I don't really like the purging effect after all.

Zenmed Acne Body Wash is the best among all I have tried, though the price is abit on a high side for a body wash. I can see acne clearing up very fast within a week and this is one body wash that I will keep using to prevent body acne. What I like about this wash, it consists of ground walnut shells which can act as exfoliating effect on the body skin. Maybe because all the ingredients are made of natural herbs, it just makes me feel so safe for my skin. I highly recommend this for those who really needs to clear their back acne effectively and quickly!

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